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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 366 – Take It To God – Part 2

Brandon Billings

Tony has been leading a men’s purity group for over the past 20 years.

In group he recently shared a teaching with the men entitled, “Take It To God”.

To illustrate the ideas shared in this teaching Tony created the diagram that appears as the image attached to this episode.

The image is color coded, and illustrates the 3 primary strategies available to us as we seek to process the hurt, pain, and trauma in our lives.

(1) Self-Medication

(2) Denial

(3) Face it

In this series Tony shares how counterprodcutive options one and two are, and how we must learn to face our pain, and then how to take our pain to God is we’re going to be healthier and more functional people.

Many men, if not most men, have used sex, porn, and their orgasm as a way to self-medicate the pain in their heart and life, and Tony helps us understand why we can no longer do this.

There is a way that seem right, that leads to death.

And there’s a way that seems difficult, that leads to life.

In this series we discover how the way of God, and the way of God’s Kingdom is to journey through our pain rather than trying to avoid it, escape it, or anesthetize it.

Welcome to episode 366!

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